Vacation in Morocco

Cinema Atlas Studios - Ouarzazate

In Ouarzazate there are 2 cinema studios: Atlas Studios and CLA, 2 cinema schools Kanzaman and OFPPT and many sets for movies. This city it is also called Moroccan Holywood and it really worths this name.

Many movies have been shot here: Kundun, Cleopatra, The Mummy, The mumy returns, Alexander, Gladiator, Babel, Kingdom of Heaven, Hidalgo, Prince of Persia are just few titles that come now in my mind.

Visiting Cinema Atlas Studios was interesting, pity the guide was bored and didn't have much appetite to explain more about this fascinating world of movies. Ouarzazate has many values, it just need people to show these values.

Many sets from movies there are exposed for visitors. The fact that I saw them so closed to me it made me understand more how much work it is behind a movie. In fact, my opinion is that the list of names from the crew displayed in the end of a movie should not start with actors but with the people that work in the backstage. These people are very important and without them there will not be any Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and so on.

So, if you will ever travel to Ouarzazate, don't forget to visit Cinema Studios. They will make you understand more about movies and the way there are made.

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