In that time we rented an apartment for 2 weeks. I was on vacation and he was working for Prince of Persia the movie, so he used to go to work very early in the morning.
In the begining I was thinking it will be hard for me because I don't like to stay alone and I won't have the posibility to see many places by myself. But, it wasn't like that.
In the first morning at 4 o'clock maybe, after my husband left to work, I was staying in bed and watch the moon in a splendid sky. I couldn't fall asleep again and my mind started to fly.
Few minutes later, a strong and extremely confident voice was about to make me feel something incredible in my heart. The feeling that I am not alone. That voice was of the muezzin from a mosque next to our apartment.
"Allahu Akbar" - which means "God is the greatest" - were the words that inspired me protection, safety, confidence and love in this new world for me. We are never alone, someone is always with us no matter where we are. You can call Him Allah, God, Dumnezeu and many more other names, but He is just ONE for all of us and He is the ONE that will always be here for us. I am not a very religious person in my day life, but from that moment my way of thinking changed and every morning I was woking up waiting for "my new friend" the muezzin to start a new beautiful day.
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